altenpflege | nevisCura Bed Sensor

Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-418

nevisCura Bed Sensor

Key Facts

  • Fall prevention
  • Bed exit alarm


  • Telemedicine, eHealth

Key Facts

  • Fall prevention
  • Bed exit alarm


  • Telemedicine, eHealth
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Product information

40% fewer falls, simple operation, dementia-sensitive - that's the nevisCura bed sensor! Tens of thousands of care staff already rely on the nevisCura bed sensor - see for yourself!

40% of falls are prevented, thus avoiding loss of revenue due to hospital stays and making care work more efficient. A bed exit is detected as soon as a leg is swung over the edge of the bed. This saves nursing staff valuable time.

The nevisCura bed sensor can distinguish between a person getting out of bed and a fallen blanket or a person in front of the bed. To do this, the bed sensor has intelligent software that has learned to distinguish between different situations with the help of AI, among other things.

The nevisCura bed sensor can be installed in just a few simple steps. This means it can be put into operation or removed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This eliminates the need for expensive training and certification.

The nevisCura bed sensor can be cleaned with a wipe and paused or switched off as required using the control button. The workmanship is extremely robust and can withstand the rough and tumble of everyday care. If the worst comes to the worst, repairs can be carried out quickly and inexpensively.

Den nevisCura Bettsensor gibt es in verschiedenen Farben, passend zu jedem Bett. Der Bettsensor ist dadurch extrem unauffällig und wird insbesondere von Menschen mit Demenz nicht wahrgenommen.

Durch seine Flexibilität bietet der nevisCura Bettsensor ein extrem gutes Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis.

Der nevisCura Bettsensor kann zudem auch nachträglich durch Software-Updates oder Geräte-Upgrades angepasst werden, sodass der Bettsensor mit der Zeit geht. Software-Updates können ganz einfach vor Ort mit einer App durchgeführt werden.

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