Start-up Challenge - Attention innovators!
Do you have a product or concept that helps to solve the challenges in elderly care? Apply for the ALTENPFLEGE Start-up Challenge 2026 and convince our nomination jury. If you are nominated, you will be an exhibitor at the special show ‘AVENEO - Space for Innovation’ at the next ALTENPFLEGE exhibition in Nuremberg.
The gateway to the care sector
For many years, the Start-Up Challenge has been the entry point into the elderly care market for young companies and new players in the care sector. The competition offers nominees the opportunity to present their products, services and concepts to an expert audience over three intensive days and to gain valuable impetus and make contacts for the next steps.

This is what the START-UP Challenge offers nominees:
- Participation at ALTENPFLEGE 2026
- Publicity & reporting
- Qualified feedback
- Valuable industry contacts
Who should take part?
- Have you already tested your innovation in a practical care environment?
- Is your innovation almost ready for the market or at a high stage of development? Or:
- Has your innovation been on the care market for less than four years?

What are we looking for?
The START-UP Challenge is looking for analogue and digital solutions for care in a wide variety of application scenarios, such as quality of life for the cared-for, promotion and appreciation of professionals in elderly care, self-determined living, relief and integration of caring relatives, shortage of skilled workers and process control and management.
A nomination can be made in one of the following categories:
- Concept & Strategy
- Communication & Documentation
- Smart Objects & Smart Solutions
- Living & Care
What do we ask for in the application form?
- Contact details
- Date of foundation
- Short description (max. 250 characters)
- Description (max. 800 characters)
- How did the idea come about?
- Project partner/sponsor
- What challenge does the innovation help with?
- Status of the submission
- Two high-resolution photos as jpg
- Overall concept or pitch deck
What is important?
The jury will focus on the following criteria in its assessment:
- Innovative content
- Relevance for the industry
- Economic efficiency
The application process for the Start-Up Challenge 2025 has ended.
Discover the 2025 nominees here!
We will be happy to inform you when the new round for the Start-Up Challenge 2026 starts. Simply send us a short email.
Institut für Universal Design
Contact person:
Carolin Pauly
E-Mail: cp@universal-design.net
Phone: +49 1520 6242 581
Contact person:
Kirsten Wallbaum
E-Mail: KW@universal-design.net
Phone: +49 1556 0445 213