Forum Digital & Innovation
The Forum Digital & Innovativ is the meeting place for everyone involved in innovation, IT and digitalisation.
Exciting specialist and product presentations, award ceremonies and knowledge transfer await visitors.
Employee apps, AI in care, documentation management, telematics infrastructure, opportunities and risks of digitalisation in care and much more await visitors to the specialist forum.
The Start-Up Challenge is also taking place again this year. The best ideas and solutions for the care of the future will be honoured in the following categories:
- Concept & Strategy
- Communication & Documentation
- Smart Objects & Smart Solutions
- Living & Care
The presentation of the nominees will take place at the forum during the three days of the event.
Award Ceremony Start-Up Challenge
Monday, 7 April 2025, 6 pm Jury meeting & award ceremony
Thursday, 10 April 2025 Presentation of the winners and announcement of the audience award on stage
Another highlight will be the presentation of the Care for Innovation Award, which will be presented on 9 April at 1 pm. The Care for Innovation Award is presented to decision-makers from the care sector who are particularly committed to innovation and digitalisation in care.
Care for Innovation Award ceremony
Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 1 pm-2pm Award ceremony of the Care for Innovation Award on stage