Some 160 employees work on enhancing and optimising nursing care beds, accessories and complete furnishing concepts at bock's site in Verl, Germany.
As a developer and manufacturer, we transform our nursing care bed innovations into reality completely in-house, from the initial idea to regular manufacturing.
We offer a full range of furnishing and interior design services from a single source. Our holistic approach to design takes both the functional and emotional demands of everyday life with nursing care beds into account. In cooperation with our clients and architects, we design spaces that contribute to making residents feel at home, with a warm and stylish ambience, a custom selection of wood finishes and fabrics plus practical functionality.Our products and services go beyond nursing care beds and furnishings for residents' rooms to include interior concepts for staff rooms and offices that make work easier and increase job satisfaction.
We help to give nursing care homes a cosy, homely touch. Our interior concepts are designed around the needs that are associated with ageing and the need for care.
That is why we start working closely with architects, clients, investors and operators of care facilities during the planning phase. We are there to advise you from the very start, no matter whether you are planning to build from scratch or renovate an existing structure.
bock's three strategic columns:
Made in Germany: bock has been producing in Germany for more than 100years. Networked expertise and short distances, loyal regional partners andthe greatest possible independence from globalised supply chains help toensure quality and delivery capability at all times. We are by far the providerwith the highest vertical range of manufacture and the shortest supplychains. Our customers are therefore spared imponderables along the supplychains as far as possible.
Evidence-based: Our in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of nursing science isincorporated into ergonomically optimised technologies. The result is an effectivesupport for all care processes and therefore an important relief for caregivers andthose in need of care. With the support of the of the Institute of Nursing Science atthe Paracelsus University Salzburg (PMU), we develop our nursing care beds inaccordance with evidence-based principles and in line with all nursing and careprocesses.
Sustainable: As part of its sustainability strategy, bock is continuously working toreduce the carbon footprint of both its products and the company. With unrivalled shortsupply chains, ongoing CO2 footprint analyses and flagship projects such as theclimate-friendly nursing care bed and the refurbishment of existing nursing care beds,we want to contribute to greater sustainability in the healthcare sector. We want toprove it: Innovations that are as efficient as they are effective help to harmoniseecology and economy.